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Notre Dame Research invites faculty to apply for internal grants to support library acquisitions and equipment restoration and renewal in 2023

Notre Dame Research (NDR) has announced that applications are open for grants to support library acquisitions and equipment restoration and renewal. Both annual grant opportunities are part of NDR’s internal grants program…
Notre Dame Research (NDR) has announced that applications are open for grants to support library acquisitions and equipment restoration and renewal. Both annual grant opportunities are part of NDR’s internal grants program.

NDR’s Library Acquisitions (LA) grant program provides University resources to fund library acquisitions in support of research, scholarship, and creative endeavor at the University of Notre Dame.

The program does not replace the library’s normal means of adding to its collections. It is intended to help faculty seize new and unconventional opportunities or respond to current challenges. Faculty can request materials in print, digital, electronic, or other formats. Requests typically range from $25,000 to $150,000, and cost sharing with other units on campus is desirable.

NDR’s Equipment Restoration (ERR) grant program assists with the restoration, replacement, and/or renewal of instruments and facilities that faculty rely on for research, scholarship, and creative endeavor at the University.

The ERR program grants are in high demand. Grants are generally limited to projects that will be directly for renewal and restoration. NDR encourages ERR proposals that support shared faculty needs and complement current or recent efforts to secure equipment funding from external sources, such as the NSF Major Research Instrumentation or NIH Shared Instrumentation grants programs. Proposals between $25,000 and $200,000 are preferred.

Both opportunities are open to any full-time regular Notre Dame faculty members—including tenured and tenure-track faculty as well as teaching and research faculty, library faculty, and professors of the practice. Applications are open, and proposals are due by March 20, 2023.

For more information about the NDR Internal Grants Program, and to submit a proposal for the Library Acquisitions grant, the Equipment Restoration and Renewal grant, please visit