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Berthiaume Institute for Precision Health's Annual Symposium: “Using Innovative Approaches to Improve Health Equity”

Monday, March 31, 2025 8:45 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Location
  • Description
    The theme of this year’s one-day symposium is “Using Innovative Approaches to Improve Health Equity.” To sign up click the link here!

    *** You do not have to have research directly related to the Symposium title to apply.
    Oral presentations will be awarded. Please submit your abstract in adherence to the following guidelines by February 21. Four abstracts will be chosen for 15-minute presentations and presenters will be awarded $75. There will also be a poster session for those not selected for oral presentations or those who prefer posters. There will be awards for best poster presentations.

    Abstract must include: Title, Authors, Affiliations
    Maximum 2,000 characters not including the Title, Authors, and Affiliations.
    No graphics/images will be accepted.
    The abstract should include: Background, Methods, and Results/Conclusions.

    Presentations will be evaluated on the following attributes: rationale, methods, results/conclusions, clarity, and significance to BIPH themes. For questions please email


    Please submit a response even if you just plan on attending so that we can ensure that we have enough food. You do not need to submit an abstract if you are just attending but you do have to submit one for a poster and/or oral presentation.

    Originally published at
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