<img src="https://map.nd.edu/images/placemarks/1009-basilica-of-the-sacred-heart.jpg" alt="Basilica of the Sacred Heart" width="99" height="150" loading="lazy"><p>Of Gothic Revival style and taking more than 20 years to complete, the Basilica's main entrance is on the south facade at the base the tower supporting a 12-foot gold cross. The louvred arches on the tower enclose 24 bells, 23 of which comprise the oldest carillon in the U.S. The 116 stained glass windows were designed and produced in the studios of the Carmelite nuns in Le Mans, France over a period of 15 years beginning in 1873.The Basilica has three alters, seven chapels and a Crypt. Masses are held daily. </p><ul class="links">
<li><a href="http://basilica.nd.edu/">Website</a></li>
<li><a href="http://tour.nd.edu/locations/basilica">Virtual Tour</a></li>