Religious & Service Clubs
- Expanding Your HorizonsProvides ND students an opportunity to encourage middle school girls to pursue STEM fields.
- Science Policy InitiativeSeeks to engage students at ND in issues at the intersection of science and public policy
- AMEC Hunger FightersInspires and fosters connection between grads at ND and the local community and charities
- Muslim Student AssociationIntegrates various facets of the Islamic faith so sas to spread awareness about Muslims from students to faculty
- Catholic Grad CommunityDedicated to providing opportunities for prayer, fellowship, and community for Catholic grad students
- Iron Sharpens IronCommitted to being a community of believers honest about where they are, open about where they are going, and anxiously waiting for the God of everything to move
- Adventist Christian FellowshipProvides spiritual support and fellowship for all who are part of the ND community
- Baptist Collegiate MinistryMinistry of the Southern Baptist Convention to student on campuses across the country
- Jewish ClubCelebrates diversity and acceptance within the ND community and beyond
- Orthodox Christian FellowshipFoster healthy Orthodox Christian fellowship among its student members
The Center for Social Concerns is an interdisciplinary institute dedicated to justice education and research on the common good with communities near and far.