Panel Discussion—"Righteous Demagogues: Populist Politics in South Asia and Beyond"
Thursday, February 20, 2025 4:00–5:30 PM
- Location
- DescriptionThis panel presents the recent book Righteous Demagogues: Populist Politics in South Asia and Beyond by our guests Adnan Naseemullah and Pradeep Chhibber in a conversation moderated by Kellogg faculty fellow Susan Ostermann. The book looks at the causes, dynamics, and consequences of populist politics in South Asia and beyond. It argues that populist mobilizations are rooted in crises of representation, and populism is a symptom, not an underlying cause, of democratic malaise.
Cosponsored by the South Asia Working Group and the Liu Institute for Asia and Asian Studies.
Adnan NaseemullahReader (Professor) in International PoliticsKing's College LondonPradeep ChhibberProfessor and Indo-American Community Chair in India StudiesUniversity of California, Berkeley
Susan OstermannAssistant Professor of Global Affairs, Keough School of Global AffairsKellogg Faculty Fellow
More information here - Website
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