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Lecture—"My Journey from Notre Dame to the Aran Islands: Language Planning on the Edge of Europe"

Friday, February 21, 2025 3:30–5:00 PM
  • Location
  • Description
    The Keough-Naughton Institute and the Department of Irish Language and Literature invite you to a talk by visiting speaker Davis Sandefur.
    Lecture Abstract
    Sa gcaint seo, pléifidh mé an aistear a bhí agam le Gaeilge, ag tosaí ag Ollscoil Notre Dame (’14) agus ag críochnú agus mé i m’Oifigeach Pleanála Teanga in Inis Oírr, Árainn. Pléifear polasaí Rialtas na hÉireann i leith na Gaeilge (Plean 20 Bliain, Acht na Gaeltachta 2012) chomh maith le coincheap na pleanála teanga. Beidh béim ar leith ar an teanga agus ar an bpleanáil teanga in Inis Oírr.
    In this talk, Sandefur will share his journey with Irish, starting at the University of Notre Dame (class of 2014) and culminating with working as the Oifigeach Pleanála Teanga (Language Planning Officer) on Inis Oírr, in the Aran Islands. The government’s Irish language policy (20 year plan, Gaeltacht Act 2012) as well as the concept of language planning will be discussed. Specific focus will be given to the status of the language and language planning on Inis Oírr.
    Speaker Biography
    Originally from Beaver Dam, Kentucky, Davis Sandefur started learning Irish at the University of Notre Dame (class of 2014). After a period working as a secondary school teacher, he moved to Ireland in 2021 to pursue further education. He then spent two years working with Fiontar agus Scoil na Gaeilge at Dublin City University, between research and teaching. He’s been working as the Oifigeach Pleanála Teanga on Inis Oírr since 2024.
    Originally published at
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