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A Remarkable Recovery: Notre Dame student bounces back from motorcycle accident

In 2022, Notre Dame student Andrew Daigneau '24 woke up in a bed at Beacon Memorial Hospital. He couldn't remember anything beyond giving his father a fist bump before heading off on his motorcycle ten days prior.Andrew had 15 broken teeth, and a traumatic brain injury. He broke his neck in three places, along with his top two ribs and his sternum. There was an open fracture on his arm. He broke his pelvis and his hip, fractured his tibia, and lost his right leg.The doctors said he may not be able to stand up and crutch around for a year. Some thought he might have to go away to a full-time rehabilitation facility.His actual progress shocked everyone but those close to him. He told his family that he wanted to return to Notre Dame in the fall, and that he planned to graduate with his classmates ... and on May 19, 2024, he did just that.Read more about Andrew's story:

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