The tradition of tailgating at Notre Dame has become as popular and as important as attending the game itself, with many fans considering tailgating the ultimate Game Day experience.
To help you score a winning touchdown with your recycling, we’ve come up with a list of our top 5 tips to help make your Game Day tailgate the greenest it can be. But first, let's get some basics out of the way. Upon entering the north and south parking lot entrances, you will be provided one large clear bag and one large dark bag. The clear bag is for your recyclables (empty bottles and cans only), and the dark bag is for everything else. Before leaving your tailgate area for the game, place your tied-up dark bag and your untied clear bag behind your vehicle so that we can pick those up for you while you are enjoying the game. Remember, the only items that should be in your clear bag are empty bottles and cans - everything else goes in the dark trash bag.