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Office of Sustainability
Office of Sustainability

Office of Sustainability

The Office of Sustainability's work centers around six areas:

1. Energy and Emissions
Reducing the University’s carbon and other energy related emissions through conservation, efficiency, technology and optimization of fuel utilization and energy sources.
2. Water
Optimize resource utilization on campus with a focus on overall water reduction and increasing reuse and storm water quality management.
3. Building and Construction
The design and construction of University buildings, with their long-lasting energy and resource demands, can greatly impact sustainability. The University has taken a number of actions to make its new and existing buildings functional, efficient, aesthetically pleasing, and sustainable.
4. Waste
Waste creates a number of problems for people and the environment, including contributing to ground and water pollution, increased space demands for landfills, potential leaching of toxins, and increased greenhouse gases. The University's current goals are to divert 50% of all waste by the end of 2016 and 67% by 2030.
5. Procurement, Licensing, and Food Sourcing
By thoughtfully using its purchasing power, the University has the ability to impact not only the growth of sustainability on campus but the greater growth of a sustainable economy.
6. Education, Research and Community Outreach
Scholarly activity impacts more than the University’s current carbon footprint—it impacts global actions and outcomes for generations to come. By highlighting the sustainability-related education and research conducted at Notre Dame, the University confirms its commitment to sustainability and its commitment to Catholic values.