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Con todo el corazón (With all our heart)

Coro Primavera celebrates Latino community on campus Enter the Basilica of the Sacred Heart during the 3:30 Sunday Mass, and you’ll hear a choir singing the tunes of the same church songs you remember—except the lyrics are in Spanish. Or you may hear some different melodies that bring new…

Coro Primavera celebrates Latino community on campus

Enter the Basilica of the Sacred Heart during the 3:30 Sunday Mass, and you’ll hear a choir singing the tunes of the same church songs you remember—except the lyrics are in Spanish. Or you may hear some different melodies that bring new meaning to the word catholic, or universal.

Coro Primavera, Notre Dame’s Spanish choir, sings every Sunday at La Misa en Español in the Basilica. The choir treats each Mass as a celebration that not only uplifts the spirit, but also fosters a profound sense of belonging and pride, where the richness of Latino heritage shines through. That’s the goal for Jaimie Lopez-Alvarez, a senior and Coro’s co-president.

“Coro, for me, is really a space to de-stress and step aside from the busyness of campus, and it also helps me feel closer to home because I’m also part of a choir back home, so I feel really connected to my culture,” she said. “Being so far from home, it reminds me of my family, but it also helps me grow my faith in a different way, incorporating my love for music and song.”

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