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Film: "Steamboat Bill, Jr." (1928)

Sunday, May 5, 2024 1:00–2:10 PM
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  • Description
    The Sunday Family Films series begins with a silent-era classic, set to be live-scored. Willie Canfield, Jr. (Buster Keaton) returns home from college, and reunites with his steamboat captain father, in a Mississippi River town. Apart for many years, Canfield père is shocked by his son's fancified appearance, which is suited for a library, not a steamboat. Still, the elder Canfield is happy to have found an ally to help him compete with fellow riverboat owner, John James King (Tom McGuire). Willie finds himself falling for King's daughter, Mary (Marion Byron), but he has more pressing concerns when the winds of fortune shift, and his father is arrested, leading to Keaton doing an array of Keaton-esque stunts.
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