Ten Years Hence Lecture: "Innovation in Community Health"
Friday, March 21, 2025 10:40 AM – 12:00 PM
- Location
- DescriptionInnovation in Community Health is presented by Phil Newbold, former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Beacon Health. Newbold has more than 50 years of experience as a multi-hospital executive, with 32 years as Chief Executive Officer. He has deep knowledge of executive leadership, innovation implementation, and population/community health initiatives.
The Ten Years Hence speaker series explores issues, ideas, and trends likely to affect business and society over the next decade. The theme of the 2025 series is Innovation: The Process of Creation and Renewal.
Ten Years Hence is sponsored by the Eugene Clark Distinguished Lecture Series endowment. This is one of seven lectures in the Ten Years Hence Lecture Series. See website for details and other lecture dates.
Free and open to students, faculty, staff and public. - Websitehttps://events.nd.edu/events/2025/03/21/ten-years-hence-lecture-innovation-in-community-health/
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