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Ballet: "Giselle" presented by Southold Dance Theater

Friday, May 31, 2024 7:00–8:30 PM
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  • Description
    Act 1: The ballet opens on a sunny autumnal morning in the Rhineland during the Middle Ages. The grape harvest is in progress. A wedding is prepared to take place in the village.Act 2: Late at night, Hilarion mourns at Giselle's forest grave but is frightened away by the arrival of the Wilis, the ghostly spirits of maidens betrayed by their lovers. Many were abandoned on their wedding days and died of broken hearts. They, led by their ruthless queen, Myrtha, dance and haunt the forest at night to exact their revenge on any man they encounter, regardless of who he may be, forcing their victims to dance until they die of exhaustion.
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